Saturday, December 31

Christmas In Georgia…


Historic downtown…

This Old House…

Thank you wall street for fucking the entire country to the point where my interest rate on my house is super low, now I just hope I can keep my job to pay for it!


Thursday, December 22

I do, I do, I do…

When I want to smile I watch this…

Christmas Bitch 2011

  • iPad & Apple in general – no your not better than everything else, just sayin’.
  • Justin Bieber screwing up my Mariah song
  • Greedy kids
  • Why must Christmas be on Sunday!? I vote for Christmas to be the 3rd Thursday of December.
  • No presents under the tree.  Sucks to be broke, old and have a dog that chews your shit up.
  • People trying to make more money and making their employee’s work on Thanksgiving and Christmas day, and the argument is “They should be thankful they have a job!”  No, your ass should rot in hell scrooge!
  • …more to come

Tuesday, March 15


I got a new Droid X last week.  I should tell you the long story but I’m tired.  I do enjoy it very much currently, it is so night-and-day different from my previous phone.  Still playing with different apps, if you know of any good ones please let me know!

Tuesday, February 8

The cows aren't going to milk themselves…

So I've figured out my memory sucks.  It really doesn’t matter if its short or long term.  I can be having a conversation and forget what I'm going to say, or forget random things I should remember.  What really bugs me is when I'm locking up for the night, I get to the back of the store and forget if I locked the front door.  Argh!  There are major things that go on in my life that I forget years later.  I'm thinking about making an excel spreadsheet that chronicles those types of things (eg Year and month I bought a house, year and month I got jobs, etc) . I will get right on that I'm sure!