Where does Facebook get these people that they presume to be my friends? “People you may know” consist mainly of people I do not want to remember, socialize with, or bullied in school (sorry Ellen, bullying in the 70’s was PC). For that matter, I have around 200 friends on Facebook, and more than half I hardly ever see. Some of these people with 400 or 500 make me worry about them, are they attention whores! I sometimes see people in the “People you may know” section, but then I wonder to myself, do I want them knowing random things about me. I'm so not into the Twitter/Facebook generation!
Monday, November 15
Saturday, November 13
Everybody Wants To Rule The World~
I have spent numerous hours selecting music and artists that reflect the type of music that I like. I would love for you to check it out & let me know what you think!
<<Warning>> Be prepared to listen to 70’s – 90’s Rock
Well I added a comment button at the end of each post for all the hundreds of followers I have. Please limit the length of your comment so we don’t slow down the internet too much.
Just FYI, if your comment contains things I disagree with, find unfunny, or try and criticize my blog in anyway it will be removed. As you know this is my vent spot, not yours! lol
Sunday, November 7
tic toc, tic toc, tic.......
I have a few rants simmering, so I'm sure my Christmas bitch should be a good one. At least it may give you something to look forward to :)
Just finished reading Gulliver's Travels (did you know the little people were yahoos? lol), The Island of Dr.Moreau & Drew Brees - Coming Back Stronger. I know wide variety eh? I also read The Invisible Man, and wanted to watch it on NetFlix streaming but its only available on DVD, crap. Ive been reading a lot of classics because they are free downloads on my Kindle. I will have to search for something new tonight, must read each night to fall asleep. I have read about half of Jimmy Carter's new book "White House Diaries" & wish Bush's book was out, but its not scheduled to come out till the 9th, should be interesting.
I think I have figured out a way to solve the country's deficit. Just turn myself in for music downloads, lol. At 1.5 million for 24 songs I should come in at about $4960000000. I may need some type of bail out or stimulus package to help out. Just kidding, me download music illegally? no way!
Monday, October 18
Suck It…
I remember when I was very young, one of my favorite things to do was to watch vampire movies, or any of the classic horror flicks. I also loved reading the comics and horror magazines. There was something really exciting about being scared and having fun watching & reading something that was purely make-believe. Unfortunately these days, as like everything else, people need so much of a good thing that it goes overboard. Instead of letting your imagination take you on the journey, now we have so much graphical violence that I don’t find it fun or interesting any more. As I think about it, our greed for bigger and better has manifested itself in all aspects of our lives. salaries, sports, and much much more. I guess I know what my parents were referring to the 50’s so fondly about now. I wish I had those wonderful 70s back!
Thursday, August 19
Not in Kansas anymore…
One of my favorite groups of the 80’s was Toto, mainly known for their hits Africa & Rosanna. Their album “Fahrenheit” I listened to over and over and over, especially during the times I was going through make-ups and break-ups. It is definitely on my “must have 5 CDs” required if stranded on a deserted island. Of all their songs one of the ones that always seemed to make it to my mix-tapes was “Could This Be Love” released in ‘86. Enjoy.
Wednesday, August 18
I live in a very small south Georgia town. the other day a girl walked by our shop wearing something you don’t see everyday around here. The story on how I got her pictures is a whole ‘nuther story, lol.
Saturday, August 14
Semiannual Bitch Session 2010
- Perez Hilton, Miley Cyrus, Lindsay Lohan – I’m gathering rocks to throw at them.
- New car prices. Went to check out a new truck, the one I liked was $47,000 WTF?
- Soccer (AKA Football). I really wanted to watch the world cup. I actually did make it through a few USA games, but after watching men chase a ball around a huge field for what seemed to be hours and only seeing a couple of goals, I wonder what the fascination is. And what's up with the cards? Please explain!
- Mel Gibson. Is this sick bastard for real or what? And to think a few of his movies made my top 100 list. OMG it was funny though. It just goes to prove, money isn't everything!
- BP. I haven't had a chance to bitch about this yet but yes, its just screwed up. Not only do we have a foreign company pumping out oil, but they are screwing up our shit! Our congress needs to figure out how to quit giving our country away piece by piece for a fat paycheck. WTF can I vote for to stop this craziness?
- Republicans! Ohhhh, Obama is fucking up? Have you forgot the 8 years before he got there? I'm pro choice, pro gay marriage & pro get your heads out of your asses! Please tell me one thing President Obama has done that has been so bad? Any party that nominates Sarah Palin to be Vice President should be disbanded! Suck it!
- iTunes, iPad, iPhone, iPad, iCrap. You know the saying about taking a horse to water, or is it a cow? Well Apple is making every body drink. Choke on my java bitches.
- Eat Pray Love. Id rather eat Courtney Love than watch it.
- The skinny blonde on The View. Don’t watch the show, she's worn out her 15 minutes of fame already. I remember her from Survivor. I liked her then, but now I see her on the news all the time whining about any and everything. Oh wait, she's a Republican, lol.
- …cont Apple bitch: People that think Apple computers are so wonderful & great, then spend countless time and effort trying to figure out how to get them to do what PCs do. Suckers.
- Twitter. OK this may be an unfounded rant, but what's the big deal? I don’t want to know what your wearing or what your eating. And for all you celebrity's that complain about not having any privacy, yet post that your taking a piss on Twitter, get a clue.
- lol @ Mel Gibson, sorry just thought about it again. Dumbass.
- More to come…
Monday, August 9
Pop on that!
Addicted to yet another cable TV show! American Pickers on the History Channel. The 2 guys on the show drive around and look for collectors houses (i.e. junk yards) and attempt to buy crap from them to sell on eBay or wherever they can unload it. I have found myself starting to use some of their phrases and laugh whenever I find an episode I haven't seen. If you’ve not watched it please do so, you wont be sorry!
Oh I almost forgot the receptionist/office manager of the crew is super hot Danielle Colby Cushman. She reminds me of Kat from Miami Ink before we found out she wasn’t really as cool as we hoped. I wouldn’t mind breaking the ice with her Frank!
The growing list of Tivo’ed cable shows include:
- Little People Big World
- The Little Couple
- The Cake Boss
- Ace Of Cakes
- Food Network Challenge
- American Chopper
- Cupcake Wars
- Top Shot
- Pawn Stars
- BBQ Pitmasters
- Mall-Cops
- Kid In A Candy Store
Not recorded but watched pretty regularly:
Sunday, August 8
Dreaming my life away…
So I had this dream last night about an awesome movie that I personally would want to go see, I wonder if I could write a screenplay and mail it to some Hollywood big-wig. I will share it with you here, but If I see it in the theaters one day, expect a call from my lawyers!
Opens with a group of warriors much like the movie The “Fellowship Of The Ring":

These guys are fighting there way through a dungeon to get a reward at the end, we’re talking epic graphics and heart pounding action. This fighting only lasts maybe 5 or 10 minutes of the movie, then it breaks into this bachelors basement where he is playing a video game, the thought is World of Warcraft, but a new game title may have to be made up for sake of movie permissions and whatnot. the viewers quickly learn that we have just witnessed his alternate reality and were in fact inside his game seeing what he experiences while playing. This guy is a nice likeable kind of guy much like a younger version of Steve Carell’s character in “The 40 Year Old Virgin”
The movie then takes a romantic turn to involve female viewers (so they wont mind going to see a video game / action flick) and there is a woman in or lead’s life, either through work, church or school that is far beyond video games. Although our lead is very much attracted to this woman, he is consumed by the video game. I think a good type that would work well in this film would either be Elisha Cuthbert or Audrina Patridge.
Through the movie the girl actually falls for the lovable geek and the whole premise revolves around his struggle to disconnect from his alternate life. We get to go on more of the epic battles to see why it is so appealing to our hero, and see why he likes being in charge of this band of computer brothers. I woke up this morning at the end of the dream, his kid at the end of the movie sees the game on the self in a store and asks his mom and dad to buy it for him. What do you think, a movie you may possibly want to see? Hmm, I will have to remember more details about it in future dreams! How do you write a screen play anyway???Saturday, August 7
Watched America’s got talent the other night and a kid sang this song, he was pretty good & I really liked the song, not sure that I had heard it before, thought I would share it with you
Tuesday, August 3
So it was 9/4/09 – the Hard Rock Casino in Biloxi MS. I was there and it was awesome. I didn’t take this video but it reminds me of the excitement and the wonderful time I had. I will definitely see them again soon. And I will have a better camera!
Good Stuff
Sunday, August 1
StarCraft II
Bought the game, haven't had a lot of time to play it yet. Seems these days it takes forever to install games. It surprises me that you have to log in to play, made by Blizzard the parent company of World of Warcraft & Diablo, and also offers achievements. Overall the short time I've played so far, it looks to be just like WOW, very addictive and fun. Look me up if you buy it, you can add Facebook friends or by email. glenn.partridge@gmail.com
Wednesday, June 30
08/15/14 - Update
I was just reading over some of these older posts and notice I didn't give an update as to what actually caused my crash through the shower door. Blood clot, the pulmonary embolism variety. I'm told some people don't live through these. Slow down, collect thoughts, realign, be thankful, Love life.
Tuesday, June 29
Well, I guess I will have to Blog backwards for a few weeks / months, since I haven't updated this in a while. I had Collective Soul on my “to-see” list, and I was finally able to go see them. It was not a disappointment at all! Not only was I just a few feet from the stage, but there was a hot chick in front of me too. We saw them at the Hard Rock Casino in Biloxi MS, and I had a rockin’ time! I didn’t take the below photo, but it was at the concert I attended And I could've touched the photographers back that took it.
Monday, June 28
George Allen Partridge
October 10th 1933 – January 30th 2010
Thank you to Brother Lee & Brother Rick for all you have done and guiding my Father on his spiritual journey. Thank you to all the people who have visited, sent condolences, shared fond memories over the past week or have been a part of our Father & family’s life. My heart is filled with gratitude & appreciation. The measure of a man can be found by looking at his family and friends, and I am proud to be part of our Father’s legacy with you all.
Our Father, George Allen Partridge, was born on October 10th 1933; in the middle of the great depression. He was the youngest of three children. His Mother, Orpha crossed the country in a covered wagon as a child and lived to be 99, his Father William was a miner and property foreman who worked from sunup to sundown to provide for his family.
At the early age of 6 or 7, Dad was responsible for waking up several hours before school to milk cows, and then again after returning home. When he wanted to play high school football the only stipulation was that he was still responsible for his chores in the evening and had to run home at night to make sure they were completed on time. Despite the economic times and the struggle of living in that era, the family was tight knit and loved one another dearly.
George left his home at 17 and with the permission and signature of his parents, joined the USAF. Of the many locations he served, one of his first assignments was Turner Air Force Base in Albany GA. While stationed there he happened to attend a basketball game in Lee County that my Mother was playing in, and by all accounts it was love at 1st sight. They dated a short while and married on September 1st 1954 in this very church.
Through the years his family grew, 3 children were born, George Jr., Gia & me – Glenn. We all we taught at a very young age to respect our elders, treat all people as we would want to be treated, present ourselves with a pleasant attitude and if you did a job – do it the best you can – and do it right the first time.
Dad progresses in the service to become a Master Sergeant and served his country during the Vietnam conflict and Korean War, mainly working on the flight line with B52 bombers. If you had time he could tell you many stories about his years in the service, some funny, some exciting, but all were interesting and always a treat to hear.
After growing older I have since learned of the selfless things he did for us kids, like purchasing my brother Allen & I mini-bikes and snow-mobiles instead of the fishing boat he always wanted, or taking on night jobs to have a few extra dollars to take us out to dinner, to see a movie or put food on the table. My Mother told me he played a dollar on the lottery each week and when asked what he would do if he won; he said “take care of my kids”.
One thing not many people know about my Father is that he is a true hero. One summer day he saw a small girl floating in a camp ground swimming pool lifeless. I never will forget how he jumped over the fence and pulled her out of the pool and gave her CPR to revive her. All night the other campers in the park we were staying at stopped by to tell Dad what a special thing it was he had done.
Dad as we always called him or “Honey” to all the family and his closet friends, would do anything for you and if you didn’t allow him to do it would be concerned about you until he found out everything was OK. He was easy to please and shared his smile often. Many times when people learn that George is my Father, they will tell me either how proud of us he was, or how good of a man he was – which we already knew but it always brightened our day to hear.
Honey loved my wife Cathy, my sister-in-law Andrea, Brother-in-law Wayne and the Grandkids Tim, Kalynn, Austin & Aaron and all my cousins and Aunts & Uncles with all his heart. He treated all of us with compassion and we felt comfort knowing he was there to look out for us. Finally I would like to say, Dad we love and miss you with all our hearts. You did a good job and got it right the 1st time.
Glenn Adam Partridge - February 4th 2010
I Love you Dad…
I read this eulogy at my Fathers funeral. I think of him everyday still. I have learned not to take the ones you love for granted. Tell the people in your life that are special to you that you love them.
Windows Live Writer
Well, I just installed the Microsoft Live Essentials beta release and one of the features is Windows Live Writer. Basically it looks like Word 2010 and you can update your Blog without logging on, etc. I haven't reviewed the other features of Essentials, so I don’t know if they really are “essential”, but a few of the programs included look promising. It just might help me be more proactive in updating. There are a few things I need to talk about. Talk soon…