Friday, December 22

I Like....

  • Christmas (even tho I bitch about it at times)
  • Cotton Candy
  • Chocolate Malts
  • Corn Dogs
  • Building models
  • Titty beads
  • Celtic crosses
  • Orange County Choppers
  • Arrowheads
  • Having fun
  • Drinking with friends
  • Rib eye steaks with 57
  • Music
  • Pocket Knifes
  • Brown eyed girls
  • Waking up early, but knowing I can sleep late
  • Thinking of sitting on a porch, watching a Colorado sunset
  • Standing on a beach, watching a Florida sunrise
  • Bud Lite
  • Rum & Coke
  • Pinup girls
  • Flirting

to be continued...

Wednesday, December 20

Hip Hop / Still don't want it for Christmas!

I've always said I hate hip-hop music & rap. There have been exceptions, such as Trik Turner (Friends & Family), some of The black-Eyed Peas stuff and a few others as well. I still reserve the right not to like it as a whole, I know it may be wrong to lump something so broad into one "I hate it" statement, but most I just don't like. I've noticed over the course of the past few years a lot of rap artist are migrating back to their R&B roots, and putting more soul and less shock. I will be the first to admit that rappers are talented and maybe somewhere there is a place and time for that type of music. With all that being said, I recently heard a couple of songs that I really like. Im sure the clean versions are probably better, but if you get a chance check out:

Akon - Smack That
Akon - I Wanna Fuck You

And to think my parents were concerned with AC/DC and Kiss, lol..........

Saturday, December 9

Three sheets to the wind...

Just got home. Was out tonight for the first time since i dont know when. Drank way too much. Im sure I said a lot of things I may regret and some things that I wish I wouldve said a lot sooner. Im happy for several things; I had a designated driver, I saw nude women, and I had very good company going to and leaving in my intoxicated state. I feel really light headed now, and Im sure I would probably register over the scale if I were driving, but hey I was able to log into Blogger and manage to write something. After work, myself and 2 co-workers went to a new bar nextdoor and the from there went to a bar 70 miles away that had members of the opposite sex dancing nude. Im sure it wasnt my idea, but then im also sure I didnt reject it. I just know I needed to get a buzz on, its been way too long. For those of you that may read this, sooner or later, pleas eknow whater I said or did, im sorry! lol....whew, now let me figure out how to make it to bed!

God, I gust blogged, can you believe that! hehe

Wednesday, December 6

Christmas Bitch 06

Hi Everybody!

As the holiday season approaches, I have realized that I haven't bitched about the gift-giving season as of yet. Of course I will use the standard disclaimer that the following bitches don't necessarily express the views of myself, they are just being used for comic relief.

  • Mariah Carey, OK, last year I was hooked to her Xmas song, now this year Ive heard it only once, WTF?
  • Ipods, the gift that encourages illegal downloading. How can you justify $300 for a gift so small, it wouldn't satisfy 99% of the female population if it were a vibrator...
  • Wish lists. OK, I've done it before, and it does make sense, but think about it; how greedy can you get, make a list of shit you want and give it to somebody? I got over it, just be happy with the screwed up shit you receive.
  • Wal*Mart, these bastards are making too much money. My plan is to figure out the best way to screw them over legally. Thoughts; buy low, return high!
  • Christmas decorations. My next door neighbor has 8 or 10 lighted reindeer in his front yard arranged haphazardly, then the week before Christmas he lines them up in a row and tells everyone that they were grazing and now getting ready for Santa. What a jackass! Anybody that has fucked up rituals like that needs to be strung up by the balls and stuffed with dressing. Ho Ho Ho mofo!
  • Getting caught stacking your next door neighbors lighted reindeer.
  • Fast food joints trying to make money off of the season, whats next, Mc-EggNogg? This is the time of year we observe the birth of Jesus, not rip people off, bastards!
  • Getting the fake tree out of the attic, what a royal pain in the ass, I vote next year to leave the tree up all year and decorate it for each holiday that comes around, what ornaments would you suggest for Columbus Day???
  • Milfs wearing Christmas sweaters, omg, that was over 10 years ago, break the mothballs out already.
  • For any new readers out there, my yearly bitch about gift giving. I estimate I will spend somewhere between $800 and $1500 on gifts for friends and family. Do you realize how much fun I could have in Vegas with that much money????
  • Christmas day turkey and stuffing gas! blahhhhhhh

Monday, October 30

Viva La Vista!

I love the bells and whistles. I love the new car smell. I love nuts on my caramel apple. I don't love the new Windows Vista.

I had a few nagging issues with my XP operating system, and the straw that broke the camels back was iTunes refusing to open, so I decided to format and start anew, as I so love to do. For the most part, all I do on the PC is download and listen to music, play WOW & backup DVD's. Yes, BACKUP! I'm fortunate enough to have a actionpack subscription with MS, so access to legit software is no problem. Several months ago I received a actionpack addition in the mail that included the new Vista and 07 Office. I had enough sense then not to even open it up. But this past Saturday my curiosity got the best of me. So my experience with Vista started. Instillation was easy enough, a little long, but it was on a DVD so I figured it would be a time consuming process. Into the desktop, no errors or glitches, your kidding me right? Wow, it does look really sweet, but it has the fishy smell of a Mac which makes me a little apprehensive. OK, so lets start loading drivers, wow, its accepting the XP drivers, will it really be this easy? On to software, the biggest test will be WOW, will it install and actually work? Indeed it does! I'm feeling very optimistic at this point. Lets see, what's this, new Windows games, ohhh cool. New screensavers, you gotta love it! The backgrounds and personalization are pretty sweet as well. Lets load this baby up! OK, the game works, lets so a friend, its running very slow lets check the RAM, I have 1048251MBs and its using 2012567MBs, WTF? OK, go to the cabinet and pull out 2 Crucial 512MBs PC5300 sticks, no I wont tell you what my sources are bastards! OK, ramn usage down to 3000MB usage, that looks good, wonder what was up with the readings before, lets move forward people. Antivirus, that's a memory hog, lets install that next. AVG, nope, we don't do Vista, screw you. Symantec, were suing Vista, get a life. Google "Vista Antivirus" WTF is Avast? OK, screw it, its free and it runs on vista. I don't know how it works, but the little icon is down there spinning away, so it must be working! What's next, oh yeah, I need to install my burning software. Hahahaha! You actually thought it would be this easy, we are 3 hours into the install and Nero 6 says, nope, you need the Nero Ultimate. OK, download Ultimate, find a serial, Avast catches numerous trogen's trying to infect me and I get it installed. OK, I can burn. Um, oh yeah, lets watch a DVD, Cyberlink Pro should be OK, um, no. Wont work. Wait, what's this, media center is trying to play this DVD, ohhhh Vista has Media Center preinstalled, cool. iTunes, works. OK, I guess the tide is turning. Ultramon doesn't work. Uhoh, my headset software doesn't work. Um, its 10pm already? I gotta check the auction house on WOW. Oh shit, it locked up. Your kidding me right, where's my damn XP CD??? So children, the moral of this story is to wait until Vista is out of beta and released and everybody else has problems before you even think about it, so 2 years probably is a good estimate as to when you should shell out your hard earned bucks for it. I for one am content writing my Blog on fresh install of XP.

Final thoughts, it looks and feels sweet, its just not ready. And I'm not gonna be the lab rat again for some time.

Talk laters...

Thursday, October 19


Nobody is here but me. Its not my imagination, I think the only person that may run across the blog is somebody googleing Paris Hilton nude maybe. I should blog about who I write things for? Maybe I should. But then, would there be any fun in that? Sure, I write them for me of course. And all the bastards out there I love to rant about. So, keep giving me great ideas to blog about and im sure your deeds shall fall within these pages at some point in time!

Monday, October 2

Hinder - Lips Of An Angel

Honey why you calling me so late?
It's kinda hard to talk right now.
Honey why are you crying? Is everything okay?
I gotta whisper 'cause I can't be too loud

Well, my girl's in the next room
Sometimes I wish she was you
I guess we never really moved on
It's really good to hear your voice say my name
It sounds so sweet
Coming from the lips of an angel
Hearing those words it makes me weak

And I never wanna say goodbye
But girl you make it hard to be faithful
With the lips of an angel

It's funny that you're calling me tonight
And, yes, I've dreamt of you too
And does he know you're talking to me
Will it start a fight
No I don't think she has a clue

Well my girl's in the next room
Sometimes I wish she was you
I guess we never really moved on
It's really good to hear your voice say my name
It sounds so sweet
Coming from the lips of an angel
Hearing those words it makes me weak

And I never wanna say goodbye
But girl you make it hard to be faithful
With the lips of an angel

It's really good to hear your voice say my name
It sounds so sweet
Coming from the lips of an angel
Hearing those words it makes me weak

And I never wanna say goodbye
But girl you make it hard to be faithful
With the lips of an angel

And I never wanna say goodbye
But girl you make it hard to be faithful
With the lips of an angel

Honey why you calling me so late?

Sunday, October 1

Time To Bitch...

  • People that bring you their "items" to be fixed, then proceed to tell you how to fix it and how what your saying is wrong. Damnit if you know how to fix it, why did you bring it to me!?
  • iTunes 7. Not that I even want to use iTunes at all, but you have to if you want a iPod. Not only does mac software suck, but all mac users suck too! Oh, we don't have viruses - yeah Bastards because nobody wants to take the time to write viruses for your piece of shit hardware, stay in the closet and play with your mac!
  • LOST. Yeah I like the TV show, but I swear to God if they say at the end of the series that its all a dream or something stupid I'm going to go postal on somebody.
  • Duchess Fergie. WTF is that about?
  • Gas prices (I know this is a repeat). Greedy Bastards!
  • Aging. OK, I'm not liking the fact that hair is starting to grow places that it didn't before. WTF, I now gotta shave my ears! Someone has a sick since of humor.
  • Myspace. Um, wasn't this myexcite 10 years ago? Somebody buy these people HTML for dummies. If you don't know what I'm ranting about here, go check out some of the pages that load up 4 videos 500 pictures and a moving background all at the same time.
  • Rich bastards that don't have to work. The worst ones are the ones that were born with money, I can kind of put up with the ones that earned it. And no, ecommerce doesn't count as earning it bastard!
  • While I'm bitching about growing old, what's up with college chicks now? They look like kindergarten students! You will never catch me on 48hrs trying to talk to kids on the internet, how sick is that? They should cut those bastards balls off. Teen porn, all you fuckers are sick too. Read the fine print in the owners manual, it clearly states you fuck people your same age!
  • Getitng caught talking about somebody when you didn't want to, but the person that was telling you about them just wont shut up, and you end up looking like the bastard.

Stay tuned for more...


01-10-93 ~ 09-06-06

Mr.Wendall was the family pet.

She was a part of the family, I didn't actually know just how much until she was gone. I find myself missing her at the dumbest times, like when I'm on my last bite of something and reach down to give it to her. Or when she barks at me to go outside, or when she sleeps next to me as I play my PC games, and I can go on and on. I remember her as a puppy running down the hall and sliding into the door as she ran for her favorite toys, she wouldn't let you stop throwing them until she was worn out. Most people thought it was strange that she had a name like Mr.Wendall, but it just seemed to fit, and as I read the song lyrics now, It seems to fit even moreso now. We bought her from a family in '93 that named her after a "Arrested Development" song, which was about A homeless man, she was the last of the litter to be picked & the kids thought the nickname fit, so it stuck. I wont go into details about how she passed, because I know people don't really care. But it was a decision I felt like I had to make, not to let her suffer. I elected to not be there, and let the Vet take care of her body, I regret those 2 decisions now, and wish terribly I could've been with her, and placed her somewhere nice. Its the only death of a "loved one" Ive had to experiance as an adult, and it really scares me because I know looseing someone closer is going to be terrible, all I can feel now is the urge to care for my friends and family just that much more, because you never know what tomorrow may bring. I miss you Mister...

Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

Here, have a dollar,
in fact no brotherman here, have two
Two dollars means a snack for me,
but it means a big deal to you
Be strong, serve God only,
know that if you do, beautiful heaven awaits
That's the poem I wrote for the first time
I saw a man with no clothes, no money, no plate
Mr.Wendal, that's his name,
no one ever knew his name cause he's a no-one
Never thought twice about spending on a ol' bum,
until I had the chance to really get to know one
Now that I know him, to give him money isn't charity
He gives me some knowledge, I buy him some shoes
And to think blacks spend all that money on big colleges,
still most of y'all come out confused

Go ahead, Mr.Wendal

Mr.Wendal has freedom,
a free that you and I think is dumb
Free to be without the worries of a quick to diss society
for Mr.Wendal's a bum
His only worries are sickness
and an occasional harassment by the police and their chase
Uncivilized we call him,
but I just saw him eat off the food we waste
Civilization, are we really civilized, yes or no ?
Who are we to judge ?
When thousands of innocent men could be brutally enslaved
and killed over a racist grudge
Mr.Wendal has tried to warn us about our ways
but we don't hear him talk
Is it his fault when we've gone too far,
and we got too far, cause on him we walk
Mr.Wendal, a man, a human in flesh,
but not by law
I feed you dignity to stand with pride,
realize that all in all you stand tall

Mr.Wendal, Lord, Mr.Wendal

Friday, August 25

Good Thoughts...

A very long and emotional week it has been.

I'm never ever one to cry. Yes, in a sad movie my eyes may water a bit, but not to often does anything make me actually cry. Earlier this week I viewed a video clip on Google titled "CAN" and I must say I did cry. I thought it was very touching and it really caught me unguarded. I don't know how anyone could watch it and not feel emotionally bound to it. Its not a sad video to me, but a very emotionally uplifting, inspirational film. I was able to download the clip as soon as I viewed it, but now it has been removed from Google for some reason. The video is simply about a father that takes his handicapped son with him through ironman triathalons, pulling him in a inflatable boat while swimming, riding him on his bike and pushing him while running. I found information about the pair at their website, If you would like to view it click here. If I can find a link to the video later I will post it.

We have teenage love going on in the house these days and its like a rollercoaster, it makes me remember what I thought was yesterday and turns out was 25 years ago. Kids have no idea, and as all adults come to find out, soon discover they learn what their parents meat by "one day you'll know what I'm talking about", far too late in life...

I went to weight watchers with my mother this week. She has been in not so good-of-health lately and I thought my support would be welcome. I probably could use it a lot more than her truth be known. I got a coupon for a free registration, but it cost $12 a week to weigh. I know they have to pay their employees and provide a lot of paperwork and such, but it still strikes me as a rip off. If what all the news broadcasters are saying is true and the new health hot topic today is obesity like smoking was in the 70s and 80s, then they should make fast food restraunts pick up the bill for weight watcher memberships. I found it very hard eating a balanced diet the past few days simply because our society these days has grown accustom to supersizeing and big gulps. How do you find 6 vegetables and fruits to eat a day? Well, I'm not giving up, just complaining I guess.

A close friend called today and and told me her sister has been diagnosed with ovarian cancer. Its made me think a lot about that all day. You wonder why someone so young and full of life would be stricken with something like that. I think almost everybody has had a family member, classmate, friend, or someone close in their life that has had some form of cancer or disease that is life threatening. I always like to think I would fight it and would prevail in the end, but I know it wouldn't be that easy and I'm sure learning that type of news would be very hard to accept, if not almost impossible. Its hard to know the right thing to say to someone in those circumstances. I always feel like I will say something very stupid while trying to find words tp fill dead air. In the end saying nothing, or rather anything - just being there is what the person or people that are going through this life changing event may just need the most. I've read articles in magazines that state sometimes children recover from serious forms of cancer more often than adults because they stay optimistic and don't give up. All I can say is that I wish my friends sister a speedy recovery, as well as everybody in the world that is going through something like this. My love and prayers are with her.

Good Thoughts...

Sunday, August 13

I Get Excited...

I Like:

To break my poptarts in half and eat each half separately. My favorite flavor is strawberry and blueberry without the icing on top. What's really good is to put a little butter on them and put them in the oven for a few minutes.

Wearing ankle socks instead of higher ones, I typically wear athletic socks and tennis shoes to work in.

Collecting. I have Coke, Baseball Cards, Shot Glasses, MP3s, DVD's, Action Figures & just about anything else you could imagine. My latest fascination is Arrowheads.

Rootbeer & tatertotts.

80's rock, Alternative & anything else that has a good beat. Listening to Hella Good by No Doubt right now. Favorite Groups/Artists: Foreigner, Collective Soul, Creed (rip), Journey, Def Leppard, AC/DC, Everclear, Shania, Rick Springfield, Smokey Robinson.

Electronics. Xbox360, Playstation, PC games, and WORLD OF WARCRAFT.

Movies. I like action flicks, but also love sports stories and westerns, also like comedy's, but not stupid funny (eg Zoolander). I even like chick flicks. Favorite Moviestars: Clint Eastwood, Harrison Ford, Scarlett Johanson, Denzell Washington, Tom Cruise, Brad Pitt, James Stewart, & too many others to mention...

Feeling loved. I don't always show it, mostly never do. But I like knowing someone wants or cares for me, it gives me a sense of security and warmth. I guess everybody is like that tho huh...

Football & Baseball. Used to play both, now just enjoy watching. Atlanta Braves, Georgia Bulldawgs, Atlanta Falcons, Denver Broncos, Greenbay Packers, Pittsburg Steelers.

The food channel, I love Rachel Ray. I also like watching Paula Dean, she is from 35 miles from my hometown, if you want to know what I like to eat, just watch one of her shows.

The new Paris Hilton song "Stars Are Blind"

My Truck, 96' Ford Bronco.

Warm nights, sitting on the front porch sipping cold beer and watching the sun go down and the moon come up. Listening to the bugs and normal sounds of the night.

Miami Vice the TV show, haven't seen the movie yet, soon maybe.

Waiting up all night Christmas Eve, family reunions and Thanksgiving with Turkey & Cornbread stuffing.

...Will think of more later

(If you can guess how I came up with the title of this post, you get bonus points)

Wednesday, June 21

I'm being chased by Guido, the killer pimp!

To me that's a classic line in a 80's movie. Hopefully you know where it came from and wont have to "Google" it to find the answer. It was funny to me back then, and in re-watching the movie, it struck me as being funny now as well. Not that the movie is something you should base you life on, but I sometimes wonder if just living life loose and free isn't the best way to go. I've always figured if I did everything by the books I would miss out on something, or if I saved all my money I would die before I could spend it. Nah, I'm sure its better to play it safe that sorry, but I for one know at times is nice to just say 'WHAT THE FUCK!"

Friday, April 21

Feel The Silence

You lie awake at night
With blue eyes that never cry
All you remember now
Is what you feel

The truth remains
In midnight conversations
I asked for this moment
But you turned away

Sad like a lonely child
Broken the day you're born
I held the light to you
But I was so vain

And you remain
A promise unfulfilled
I ask you for more
But you push me away

And if we feel the silence
Holding this all inside
Everything means more now than
Words could explain

And if we feel the silence
Holding this all inside us
Looking for something more to say
I don't know where I'm going
Only know where I been
But you move through my soul like a hurricane wind
We've been so lost for so long
I don't know how to get back again
And we're drowning in the water
That flows under this bridge
When you're fighting the current
You forget how to live
And I wanted to reach you but I don't know where to begin
And you remain
A promise unfulfilled until today

And if we feel the silence
Holding this all inside
Everything means more now than
Words could explain
And if we feel the silence
Leaving this all behind us
When it's gone what will you say

How do we hold on
How do we hold on
How do we hold on
How do we hold on
How do we hold on

You lie awake at night
With blue eyes that never cry

...The Goo Goo Dolls

Friday, April 7

Coon Hunting

If you care to hear another story about my jaded youth, here goes...

As I've said in previous posts, I loved to spend summers on the farm, there are certain activities on the farm that can be very fun. One of these activities was coon hunting. Typically this would happen on Friday or Saturday nights. You would have to wait until "pure" dark before even thinking about headin out.

Now, for you people that have never been coon hunting, or know little about coon dogs, it is a very rich tradition in the south, and it can also be a very rich hobby to your wallet. A well bread black & tan coon dog can go for upwards of 2 or 3 thousand dollars. Not all but a lot of pickups you see in Georgia have dog boxes in the back, these are generally used to transport your hounds. Coon dogs don't really make good pets, don't ask me why, but they seem to do better outside with a pack than laying curled by your chair inside. There are all kinds of ways to train these dogs to hate coons, and I wont go into them, but needless to say its not always an enjoyable experience for the coons themselves.

One night we took off hunting, there were 3 or 4 trucks loaded with dogs, hunters, rifles, beer & beachnut (tobacco) and everybody was in the mood for fun. One spot isn't really any better than another to hunt, because coons are pretty much everywhere done here, proof being roadkill every mile or so along the highways. What your basically looking for in a hunting area is seclusion to be as loud as you want and not disturb anyone as to get the law called after you. However, in our case, it didn't really matter because the sheriff was with us, and I swear to god he gave all of my cousins "posse" badges. What you worried about was the gamewarden. When you arrive at your desired location the proper method to begin the hunt consists of hollering as loud as you can to get the dogs riled up, release them, watch the run off & open a beer. Now, if I had to be a hunter, this would be one of the methods I would prefer the most. A expert coon hunter knows his dogs well and can tell exactly when their barking changes from running around in the woods raising hell, to treeing a coon and going crazy trying to climb the tree itself.

At this point its no longer fun, you grap your gun and strat trudging through the woods. At midnight it really isn't all that fun, and trust me, deep in the Georgia woods, there are plenty of things besides coons in the woods. The worst part is stepping in springs, wading through streams, and getting slpped in the face by branches. The company and excitement somewhat numbs the soreness of your cold feet and red welps on your face. At some point, right when your mood starts to take a noise dive, you finally reach the dogs. By some means, and I don't know how, they follow the coon from tree to tree as he is trying to escape the pack. Coon hunters not only invest a lot of money on their dogs, but own some of the most powerful flashlights you would ever need to land a 747. These things can illuminate the tree well enough to knock a coon out of it with a .22 rifle.

The trick after that is getting the coon when he falls before the dogs do. Every once in a while you let them fight the coon a bit to further increase their hate for the damn things, but some coons can really tear up a hounds face pretty good. Also, if you let the dogs go at it too long a theory is that they will grow tired of chasing them and not want them as badly, I don't really know. A lot of farms around the south sport coon skinds hanging to dry, tacked to the side of the buildings. Farm hands are given the meat, and most if not all like it.

On one particular hunt, my brother and I were in the back of one of the trucks and the driver spotted a possum running across the peanut field we were crossing. Of course the thing to do was try and run over it, only natural right? Not only did he manage to hit the damn thing, he actually stopped, and threw it in the back of the truck with us. Off we go again, and I hear this hissing, what sounds like a huge snake in the back of the truck with us, I turn on my flashlight and I see this possum backed into the corner with his mouth open showing very sharp teeth, looking like his plans including those sharp teeth and my leg. I almost put a sunroof in that truck beating on the roof, and everyone got a kick out of me and the possum that was playing possum...

Thursday, April 6

Road Rage... (more vents)

I think this Blog has become my source for "temper" relief, so here goes, another chapter in the never ending saga of my bitching...

  1. Ink pens with caps, I always end up with a giant black areola on all my polos. Damnit...
  2. Ad/Spy-ware. OK, I guess its not their fault, its the dumb bastards that actually click on the links who are to blame. My fucked up philosophy is if there were no customers, the market would decline.
  3. iTunes, OK, the Ipod is great, but I dont want your fuckin software, let me drag and drop - dirty mac-bastards.
  4. Car mechanics. $700 to replace ball joints? OK, at least give me a kiss before you slide it in! (point - Not all mechanics are dirty rat bastards, even the ones that charge a lot for work performed, as all hunters arnt totally bad, but I reserve the right to vent freely, and use as many damn comma's in my Blog as I feel is necessary to get the point across!)
  5. This bastard comes in the store the other day and starts bitching about a $15 bill he got for a service call. He claims that its my generation being so greedy thats the cause of him not getting a free service call every once in a while. OK, I dont even know where to start on this cheap bastard. First of all, your only 5 or 10 years older than me, so you are my generation mother fucker! Secondly its $15, your shit was fixed, if you dont like it, go get your balljoints fixed!!!
  6. I paid $3 for a bottle of water at the movie last week. How fucked up is that??
  7. Mr.Wendall. Shes gotten old and shes now starting to drip on my office carpet. Where is the one place she doesnt? In her damn bed. Gimme a gun!

More to come I'm sure...


What is this land, that I have found
There is silence all around
It's the anniversary

Feel the fear and sad decree
Keeps my fragile heart at beat
On the anniversary

Through these dark and lonely streets
Drag my ragged grainy feet
It's the anniversary, the anniversary
It's the anniversary

How far is hate away from this
I, reluctant, feel your kiss
On the anniversary, the anniversary
The anniversary

Don't want to feel your kiss no more --

**Bubba, don't play that shit, it always makes you all mellow...

(i'm thinking it was the pot and not the song)

Monday, April 3

Poker Face

Strange how sometimes you don't want to do something because you know somebody will think your doing it because of them, and you actually arnt? I'm wondering if that even makes sense...

After working on my business website today we were going over Blog options and in the end decided a Blog wasn't right for it. However, I still see or do things that need to be Blogged about and totally forget about them afterwards. A couple of weeks ago I introduced a friend to my Blog and went back reading the archives and it was fun (most of the time), I would like to delete some of the more depressing ones, but that would totally defeat the idea, right? Who knows.

Well, haven't played poker in a while, but after a trip to the liquor store Saturday night that streak came to a sudden, very costly end. The buy-in was $20 and that was gone after one round around the table. I ended up losing a grand total of $65, that's HORSE-SHIT! LOL. We had fun, but I think were going to modify our betting rules before the next time we play.

What else, hmmm. Oh yeah, watched King Kong 2006 last week, awesome movie. Yeah we know what happens in the end but the graphics rocked. Also saw IceAge 2 this weekend, I highly recommend it to everyone.

Talk later...

Saturday, March 25

All I Ever Wanted...

You were my ticket outta here
And I was your dream come true
You gave me everything I ever wanted
Except for you

I convinced my self that over don't mean over
And I convinced myself that I could fix it all
Two dreams collided maybe we got too excited for our own good

No more - hold on we can make it
No more holding each other while the words all break it
Move on you know we'll be stronger in the end

Now I convinced myself that nothing could ever tear me away
And I convinced myself that we'd look back and laugh at this one day
Two lives collidin' baby
We got too excited for our own good

No more - hold on we can make it
No more holding our breath while the truth all breaks it
Move on ya know we'll be stronger in the end

Hey wait hey don't you know that this is there is where the whole thing went wrong
Hey wait hey don't you wanna hear what I have to say
Hey wait hey don't you know that this is where the strong go on

And all I ever wanted
All I ever wanted
All I ever wanted
Was you

No more - hold on we can make it
No more holding each other while the world tries to break us
Move on ya know we'll be stronger in the end

Hey wait hey don't you know that this is there is where the whole thing went wrong
Hey wait hey don't you wanna hear what I have to say
Hey wait hey don't you know this is where the strong will go on

And all I ever wanted
All I ever wanted
All I ever wanted
Was you

Tuesday, March 21

Vision Quest

My playlist when I workout...

01 - AC/DC : Hard As A Rock
02 - Berlin : No More Words
03 - Billy Idol : White Wedding
04 - Bon Jovi : Wanted Dead Or Alive
05 - Cheap Trick : I want You To Want Me
06 - Dan Hartman : I Can Dream About You
07 - Def Leppard : Animal
08 - Doobie Brothers : China Grove
09 - Eagles : Already Gone
10 - Elton John : Saturday Nights Alright For Fighting
11 - Foreigner : Urgent
12 - Jet : Are You Gonna Be My Girl
13 - KC & The Sunshine Band : Keep It Comin' Love
14 - Kiss : I Was Made For Lovin You
15 - Loverboy : Hot Girls In Love
16 - Shania Twain : You Win My Love
17 - Van Halen : Dancin In The Street
18 - Journey : Only The Young

Most times dont finish the whole thing but i like being able to skip around a bit. I know I have a lot of 80's stuff in there, but then again, thats when my music appreciation was formed, lol...

Sunday, March 12

Meat & Potatoes

OK, no remarks about how long its been since I posted, I promise. Hmm, or was that just one??

I want to be a vegetarian. I was watching the History channel the other day about Leonardo DiVinci and I was a interested to know that he was one and some of the reasons he was. He made a statement that made me think, he didn't want his body to be a crypt for other animals. Sounds stupid but also makes you think, or at least it makes me think. Other notable Vegans HERE. Hell, Shania can't be wrong! With all that said I have a big problem, I love steaks, LOL. I'm such a loser.

So anyway, I was in the hospital for 4 days with Pneumonia a few weeks ago. I was pretty damned scared because I couldn't lay down and breath, what a weird feeling that is. I'm over that hurdle, but constantly trying to improve. At this point, healthy living is what I'm aiming for. Its working (with the exception of an occasional big fat steak), and I like it.

I like being alone sometimes, light a candle and listen to mustic that soothes you. I have so many songs that take me away to another place I sould make a playlist. I know if you like beautiful music, you will love the following...

- Amos Lee / Colors
- The Calling / Wherever You Will Go
- ACDC / Ride On (trust me)
- Foreigner / Fool For You Anyway
- Aldo Nova / Stay
- Gary Allan / Songs About Rain
- Alison Krauss / Baby Now That Ive Found You
- Journey / Faithfully
- Ronan Keating / When You Say Nothing At All
- Anna Nalick / Breath (2AM)
- Beth Hart / L.A. Song
- Robert Plant / Through With The Two Step
- Bird York / In The Deep
- Blessid Union Of Souls / Standing At The Edge Of Earth
- Collective Soul / How Do You Love?
- Nika Costa / Push & Pull
- Brian McKnight / Everytime You go Away
- James Taylor / Up On The Roof

Thats enough for now...
Hope you like

Wednesday, January 18

Summer of '69

I like to think about the past sometimes. Actually it could be at really weird times too. I sometimes wonder if other people are the same way, but then I think they are.

In my youth, one of my favorite things to do was spend the summer with my cousins on the farm. In the area I live, in the country you either have fine white sand, or slippery red clay. We really didn't need much of anything else, with the exception briars and kudzu. In the hottest months of the year when I was able to spend my free summers there, we were fortunate enough to also enjoy many southern delicacies; some of which included wild red plums, sweet juicy blackberries and vine fresh watermelons.

You always had to be very careful when picking this fruit, not that it was very hard to find, but because you would typically run across rattlesnakes or water moccasins most every day. The moccasins weren't so bad if you weren't too close to a pond or spring, but the rattlesnakes loved the shade of the fruit bushes, which also brought animals that they made their meals of. We typically got along pretty well with them, we learned very quickly to carry a stick and make lots of noise when picking, because for the most part snakes disliked us as much as we disliked them.

One of the more fun and devilish things we liked to do was roll watermelons down the road and watch them burst open. It's comforting to me thinking back how sweet and cool those watermelons would taste on such hot days, temperatures well over 100.

We were all fair with light brown hair at the beginning of summer and totally blonde and or skin was very dark brown at the end, with the added help of our swimming adventures. Our spot was a "concrete pond" who's water was darker than the irrigation pond that was next to it, it had once been a real swimming pool back in the 50's I had once heard, I couldn't picture it was one, but the water was cool, and the swimming was fun. I guess the biggest draw back was all the broken glass on the bottom of that pool, so you had to learn to swim very fast if you wanted to enjoy it.

I smile when I remember my summers, and I know I would freak out if my daughter was in any of the harms way that we were in back then, but I made it through in one piece, so I guess you just got to let go one day...