Sorry, I know I was sounding a little like Scrooge yesterday, but the whole money thing at Christmas starts freaking me out, especially when I have to scrimp and save to be able to afford luxuries. And yes I know giving is what it is about, but it just seems like to me the people I'm giving to always gets nicer "stuff" than I do. Cry me a river!
I do feel somewhat better today, I think Mariah was only on the radio 30 times today compared to the 50 from yesterday. Suprizingly I haven't heard Elton's famous "Step into Christmas" yet, guess I'll have to start searching through MP3s and find it.
Well, the Nano for my daughter is out, She originally wanted a pink mini, but due to the fact that they are no longer making them, and all the stores are sold out, I was able to talk her into the Nano, now guess what, sold out... Locally that is. So, I got her the Sony PSP instead, personally I would've wanted it anyway, but I hope she feels the same.
Supposed to be off work between Christmas and New Years, but then we are doing a inventory sometime in there, lets hope it doesn't take too long, I predict 3 hours, I'm sure I'm wrong.
Hmmm, 2 days in a row, I guess I should wait a few months before I post again, unless I get some incentive...
Merry Christmas...
Tuesday, December 20
Monday, December 19
"There's an icon on my desktop that won't go away"
What's this, twice in one month? Sounds like the story of my life, ehh.
So, according to plan I haven't started buying Christmas presents yet. I normally wait till Christmas Eve, and then bitch about what they don't have in stock. I have several opinions on Christmas that I've formed over the course of my adult life, and thou they may be fucked up, I contend that they are for my personal reference and I'm not forcing them on anyone. So, I guess this could be the start of a new tradition...
1st Annual Christmas Bitch Session:
- Why is it that I shell out over 2 thousand dollars for Christmas gifts for the family, aand I end up with a Old Spice gift set and a sack of athletic socks? Thats horse shit.
- When did it become standard policy that whatever kids say they want for Christmas they get? I mean sure, if its a bike or clothes, OK. But these days its a long list and you got to bust your ass to buy every bit of it, and God forbid if you dont complete the list. I remember when a bike was something you only got once in your childhood and that was like the best thing you could imagine, then if you grew out of it you got your older brothers bike or something. These days kids get a bike whenever and Christmas is for more expensive shit. Again - horse shit!
- Plese, somebody turn off the Mariah Carey Christmas song, Argh!
- Is it just me, or do I remember helping my Mother pick out nice things to give my Father for Christmas, like a recliner or shotgun or tool set. Um, I'm a Father, has the good old days done came and gone???
- WTF is Kwanza? Please somebody exlain it to me.
...more to come
So, according to plan I haven't started buying Christmas presents yet. I normally wait till Christmas Eve, and then bitch about what they don't have in stock. I have several opinions on Christmas that I've formed over the course of my adult life, and thou they may be fucked up, I contend that they are for my personal reference and I'm not forcing them on anyone. So, I guess this could be the start of a new tradition...
1st Annual Christmas Bitch Session:
- Why is it that I shell out over 2 thousand dollars for Christmas gifts for the family, aand I end up with a Old Spice gift set and a sack of athletic socks? Thats horse shit.
- When did it become standard policy that whatever kids say they want for Christmas they get? I mean sure, if its a bike or clothes, OK. But these days its a long list and you got to bust your ass to buy every bit of it, and God forbid if you dont complete the list. I remember when a bike was something you only got once in your childhood and that was like the best thing you could imagine, then if you grew out of it you got your older brothers bike or something. These days kids get a bike whenever and Christmas is for more expensive shit. Again - horse shit!
- Plese, somebody turn off the Mariah Carey Christmas song, Argh!
- Is it just me, or do I remember helping my Mother pick out nice things to give my Father for Christmas, like a recliner or shotgun or tool set. Um, I'm a Father, has the good old days done came and gone???
- WTF is Kwanza? Please somebody exlain it to me.
...more to come
Wednesday, December 14
Bo Bice

The Real Thing
Every word I say I mean it
Every single day I feel it
But sometimes when you talk
It’s obvious you want to show it
So don’t blow it
Tell me what we got
Tell me it’s a lot
Tell me it’s the real thing
Tell me not to change
And always be the same
Tell me that’s a good thing
It’s a good thing
Tell me not to lie
Tell me not to wait
Tell me that you want the same things as me
Tell me that it’s fate
Driving me insane
Tell me it’s the real thing
That keeps me hanging on
I can read the signs between us
And I feel its inside when you come nearer
There’s a stillness in the air
Like no one else is there
And every moment stays in the moment
Tell me what we got
Tell me it’s a lot
Tell me it’s the real thing
Tell me not to change
And always be the same
Tell me that’s a good thing
It’s a good thing
Tell me not to lie
Tell me not to wait
Tell me that you want the same things as me
Tell me that it’s fate
Driving me insane
Sunday, December 4
A monkey returns to earth safely...
2am and here I am. If you don't already know, or care; the motherboard on my computer decided it didn't like me anymore, and I suppose that's just one of the things that decided it didn't like me. As for the motherboard, the fan on the board stopped running, and the system started overheating, I returned it for a new one (maybe it will get here before Christmas), hopefully that solves that problem. You know, I hate when something changes in your life and it feels as if everything is upside down. Its not really pain or anger or loneliness, I think its just uncertainness. I know life goes on, I look back at events that have happened years ago and wonder why I or someone else acted like they did, and it all seems so petty. But that doesn't really help the here-&-now.
So, I'm on my daughters PC now, its a AMD 2100+ but doesn't run any of my newer games worth a damn. Ialmost impossible to run her off of it long enough through the week to play anyway. I'm lucky to has braved the Wal-Mart crowds for the Xbox 360, its been a life saver this past week.
Wish I had something interesting to talk about, hmm maybe that's why I don't Blog more often, my subject matter stinks. Hmm, I know maybe I can tell you a story about the OLD days...(hope its not a repeat)
I had a huge crush on a girl that I met in 1984. Just so happens she had a boyfriend, I didn't know much about him. I never really approached her until she started working at a fast food place that my Mother managed. We became pretty good friends, but I know she didn't look at me in a romantic way, simply because she was tied up with this other guy. In 1984 I thought I was the shit. If you've followed my Blog you know I had a Grand Prix with T-Tops, it had a very expensive stereo in it as well, which was important back in those days. I remember reading Rolling Stone and picking out hits from the Billboard Top 100 in it, and then going to the music store and buying either the 45s or the cool extended singles, then you would spend hours recording them to Maxell cassette tapes. Wow, just the thought of that brings back a lot of memories. Well anyway besides my car, I had spent a lot of time working out and tanning, as well as just about any other self indulgent thing you could do to prine yourself for the opposite sex. I honestly don't remember how I actually began a relationship with this girl, because at the time I was seeing several others. I know that sounds weird, but I felt it wasn't very smart to sit home and feel sorry for myself while the girl of my affections is dating someone else. I do remember sending her a card, I think it was a Christmas card and her boyfriend came to where I worked and was asking me questions about it. At the time I worked in a local grocery store as a produce clerk (woohoo), the conversation managed to work itself into the back room and a fight soon began. Actually, if you call one person getting their ass kicked a fight, that's what happened. I haven't been in too many altercations, I'm a big guy and normally people to push me. I just threw this guy in the sink in the back and hit him once or twice, that was about it. From there things are fuzzy again, I really don't know how or when it happened, but I do remember I asked the girl out and she accepted. I made a special cassette for the occasion, wore my Miami Vice blazer with the sleeves rolled up, pleated pants, and slip on sebagos with no socks, yeah it was the 80s remember? The T-tops were out when I went to go pick her up, and I remember the song I was listening to on the way, Dan Hartman - I Can Dream About You. To this day, when I hear it, I think about her. The girl lived in a huge southern home, you know, the type that you think about when you think about "Gone With The Wind". Its kind of intimidating knocking on the front door of one of those places. Her little sister welcomed me at the door, and lead me to the library, where her parents were waiting for me. About the only thing I remember about that experience was the poodle sniffing my crotch while I was talking to them, and I was worried that I was giving off some type of odor and they would realize I wanted to have sex with their daughter or something! She finally came down, At the time LeeAnn Rimes wasn't around, but that's what this girl looked like. She was beautiful, and I was pumped just to be able to say that I was taking her out. I think we went to Pizza hut to eat, and then to the movies, "Hard To Hold" with Rick Springfield, It seems to me that the movie sucked, but I just remember her sitting next to me, and her smell, so perfect. I remember we had a great time, and I took her straight home, and walked her to the door. I will never forget what happened next. I remember kissing her, just lips, no tongue. I was so excited I was almost dizzy. She told me she has homework and asked if I would like to come up and help, and I said no. I SAID NO! What a dumbass. When I said it, I remember thinking if I said yes I might look too anxious, but after I left I knew I formed the wrong impression with her. We never went out again, I got crazy over another girl and things just didn't work out. I see her now, once every 4 or 5 months, she's married, the guy looks gay to me & she must have put on 200lbs because she is very big, but I still think she's beautiful, because I remember the dog between my legs, sharing my popcorn at the movies, and the 1 kiss I shared with her.
So, I'm on my daughters PC now, its a AMD 2100+ but doesn't run any of my newer games worth a damn. Ialmost impossible to run her off of it long enough through the week to play anyway. I'm lucky to has braved the Wal-Mart crowds for the Xbox 360, its been a life saver this past week.
Wish I had something interesting to talk about, hmm maybe that's why I don't Blog more often, my subject matter stinks. Hmm, I know maybe I can tell you a story about the OLD days...(hope its not a repeat)
I had a huge crush on a girl that I met in 1984. Just so happens she had a boyfriend, I didn't know much about him. I never really approached her until she started working at a fast food place that my Mother managed. We became pretty good friends, but I know she didn't look at me in a romantic way, simply because she was tied up with this other guy. In 1984 I thought I was the shit. If you've followed my Blog you know I had a Grand Prix with T-Tops, it had a very expensive stereo in it as well, which was important back in those days. I remember reading Rolling Stone and picking out hits from the Billboard Top 100 in it, and then going to the music store and buying either the 45s or the cool extended singles, then you would spend hours recording them to Maxell cassette tapes. Wow, just the thought of that brings back a lot of memories. Well anyway besides my car, I had spent a lot of time working out and tanning, as well as just about any other self indulgent thing you could do to prine yourself for the opposite sex. I honestly don't remember how I actually began a relationship with this girl, because at the time I was seeing several others. I know that sounds weird, but I felt it wasn't very smart to sit home and feel sorry for myself while the girl of my affections is dating someone else. I do remember sending her a card, I think it was a Christmas card and her boyfriend came to where I worked and was asking me questions about it. At the time I worked in a local grocery store as a produce clerk (woohoo), the conversation managed to work itself into the back room and a fight soon began. Actually, if you call one person getting their ass kicked a fight, that's what happened. I haven't been in too many altercations, I'm a big guy and normally people to push me. I just threw this guy in the sink in the back and hit him once or twice, that was about it. From there things are fuzzy again, I really don't know how or when it happened, but I do remember I asked the girl out and she accepted. I made a special cassette for the occasion, wore my Miami Vice blazer with the sleeves rolled up, pleated pants, and slip on sebagos with no socks, yeah it was the 80s remember? The T-tops were out when I went to go pick her up, and I remember the song I was listening to on the way, Dan Hartman - I Can Dream About You. To this day, when I hear it, I think about her. The girl lived in a huge southern home, you know, the type that you think about when you think about "Gone With The Wind". Its kind of intimidating knocking on the front door of one of those places. Her little sister welcomed me at the door, and lead me to the library, where her parents were waiting for me. About the only thing I remember about that experience was the poodle sniffing my crotch while I was talking to them, and I was worried that I was giving off some type of odor and they would realize I wanted to have sex with their daughter or something! She finally came down, At the time LeeAnn Rimes wasn't around, but that's what this girl looked like. She was beautiful, and I was pumped just to be able to say that I was taking her out. I think we went to Pizza hut to eat, and then to the movies, "Hard To Hold" with Rick Springfield, It seems to me that the movie sucked, but I just remember her sitting next to me, and her smell, so perfect. I remember we had a great time, and I took her straight home, and walked her to the door. I will never forget what happened next. I remember kissing her, just lips, no tongue. I was so excited I was almost dizzy. She told me she has homework and asked if I would like to come up and help, and I said no. I SAID NO! What a dumbass. When I said it, I remember thinking if I said yes I might look too anxious, but after I left I knew I formed the wrong impression with her. We never went out again, I got crazy over another girl and things just didn't work out. I see her now, once every 4 or 5 months, she's married, the guy looks gay to me & she must have put on 200lbs because she is very big, but I still think she's beautiful, because I remember the dog between my legs, sharing my popcorn at the movies, and the 1 kiss I shared with her.
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