OK, I love computers, most people reading this probably do too. But I also love building them, fixing them & upgrading them. That goes hand-&-hand with another one of my passions, gaming. I'm totally addicted to WOW and also AOE3. I actually bought those 2 games, lol. I remember going back in my youth, when I was maybe 10 or 11 my father managed a teen hang out joint, and they had arcade games in there, as well as pinball machines. I got hooked then, and haven't stopped. I've had probably every gaming console ever released since, from Atari to the Sega Saturn, from Nintendo to the Game Cube, not to mention the PS2 and XBox. Well, on 11-22-05 at 12:01am the new XBox 360 was released. I was too dumb to pre-order, and supplies were limited, so what was I going to do? I got off of work at 5:30pm Monday (the 21st) and went by Wal-Mart to see how many units they were going to have, the manager tells me they have 4 premium units and 10 core units. Now for those of you who don't know, or give a damn, the premium unit came with a wireless controller, a headset, a 10GB hard drive, 1 year live online gaming, and a remote control. All that added up to about $250 bucks, and the price of the premium system was $399 - the price of the core system is $299, which makes the premium system a sweet deal. So anyway, while talking to the manager these 2 teenage boys ask her when to stand in line, at 5:30PM! Shit, so I get behind them, and here we go, stand in line for 6.5 hours for a XBox 360. Did I get one, well just read on...
5:30pm - Can I stand in line for that long? Could you? No, probably not, maybe if it were to have sex with Shania, or pick up your million dollar lottery check, but for a damn video game? So, I'm thinking, I'm #3 in line, they have 4 premium systems, I better stay, I got a premo spot. I'm standing in from of this wall of TV's that are playing Frosty The Snowman - are you fucking kidding me? After the 3rd showing of this DVD, I politely ask one of the employees to swap it out, and what were we fortunate to be able to watch? The Santa Clause. Yippee. I bought a chair, a large Dr.Pepper and a candy bar, and amazingly time seems to go by pretty fast. I see a lot of friends and family, and have a pretty good time chatting with them, the embarrassing part is telling them why I am here, lol. Mr.5 in line is a Wal-Mart employee and tells me he has seen the boxes in the security room and knows exactly how many there are.
7:00pm - There are now 14 people in line, 4 of which are from the same family. I'm thinking that anyone that shows up behind them are going to be pissed. The guy that is #4 in line is counting his blessings and calling a lot of people on his cell telling them how lucky he is. I find out that
9:00pm - Everyone seems to be having a pretty good time, excited about the new game, and suprizingly even the people in line after the #4 spot seem to be in a good mood knowing at least they will get something. I start to worry because the line is longer than 14, and they only have 14, right? The kids in front of me are listening to StaticX & the Santa clause in on its 3rd loop, when will this night end?
10:30pm - The electronics manager comes out with pre-sale tickets to hand out, and pulls Mr.4 out of line and starts telling him that one of the premium boxes was damaged so badly that it damaged the unit inside the box. She tells him that if he doesn't mind just to step aside and she will call another Wal-Mart and have him one tomorrow, lol, is this bitch stupid or what? Is she just being naive or does she honestly think there are going to be extra XBox premium units to be had the next day? He is pissed but understands, but tells her he will get a core system, he knows there wont be anything left tomorrow, they talk for 15 or 20 minutes, and by this time he is thinking the situation over, knowing he has been in line for 5 hours, and somebody is trying to pull some shit on him, so he says what I think is a classic: "Let me see the damaged box".
11:00pm - All of the management team has disappeared, the natives are starting to grow restless, even the people who knew they weren't going to get a premium unit now feel cheated. Mr.4 is really pissed, but the manager tells him she will show him the damaged box, so at least he is content. Wait, what is this, some dumb fuck walks from out of nowhere, says he ordered one 2 days ago and plants hiself in front of the line. WTF? So that makes me Mr.4, I now start to wonder, are they going to let this happen? I find out the guy is a Wal-Mart employee, and the manager give out the tickets, I get a premium ticket she tells the guy in front of the line to take a hike. So I get to leave the line and go Pee and browse the store.
11:30pm - Still no damaged XBox package, Mr.4 is totally pissed, they are calling the store assitant manager, he shows up and is brain dead. He leaves in a huff telling #4 that he will find the damamged box.
11:45pm - 4 police show up and tell the crowd the assistant manager has reported a disturbance. The assitant manager comes back with no box and tells the police #4 is being rowdy. The police ask the manager if he is going to still honor the tickets (my heart stops at this point), he says yes.
12:05am - I get my XBox premium and walk out.
12:30am - I unpackaged the unit, hook it up and it is all that and more, I cant even describe the quality of the games and the interface on the console, you can actually hook up to your wireless network to this thing and listen to your mp3s and view your pictures through it. What's this, you can download demo games as well? SWEET.
1:30am - In bed & as happy as one could be without a trink ;o)
Friday, November 25
Thursday, November 17
Is it just me, or does it feel like Thanksgiving to you? I should've known when I started seeing Christmas stuff in Wal-Mart. One thing I do enjoy about this time of year is home-made dressing. I know its never the same as Mom's, but I just can't seem to find any that tastes as good as Mom makes. Oh yeah, and the new Xbox will be out next week...SWEET.
I think I know why I stopped blogging, im drawing a blank. But I promise, I will keep thankin! lol...
I think I know why I stopped blogging, im drawing a blank. But I promise, I will keep thankin! lol...
Saturday, November 12
Some Links You Might Enjoy...
OK, I do this every once in a while, I always like to discover new places to go and surf on the world wide web. Have fun and tell them I sent ya for an extra 10% off!
Friday, November 11
Count to 10.....9.....8.....
I have a keyboard/mouse combo fetish. I've tried to kick it, but I cant. I've owned probably 20 different combos in the last 5 years or so. The first mouse I paid an extravagant amount for was the RAZOR VIPER, it was $100 and I really didn't like it that much. One of my favorite mice has been this MS INTERNET MOUSE, it was well before the optical & cordless craze, but it felt so good in my hand. One Keyboard that I just had to have was the ZBoard. It was decent, and the interchangeable keyboard layouts were cool, designed for different games and all, but I forgot, I'm more of a mouse user than keyboard user, so I didn't use it too much, and I hated the cord. I've been through several different combos since those, but this is my newest love, Logitech's Laser Mouse & Keyboard. I'm sure it wont be my last set, but for the time being, I love them. But.... Houston, we have a problem! I sat down tonight to surf my usual haunts, and as I was typing my space key was sticking, WTF? I paid $125 for this and its messed up??? So I gently pry off the space bar and somebody has spilt something "Gooey" in my priceless keyboard! And before you even think it, the keyboard is well out of my distance! So, I go to work with Alcohol and Q-tips and get it all cleaned up, but now I feel like my keyboard has been stained, so I'm thinking I need to start looking for a replacement. All I can say is, they better not let me catch who did it!
Sunday, November 6
Time To Bitch...
OK, I guess one reason I decided to post is because I haven't been able to rant anywhere else. Hmmm, maybe I have been able to, but in doing so, I didn't get sufficiently satisfied. So here goes...
- Who was the genius that designed the parking places that are just wide enough for people to park next to you, open their car door and grind it into the side of your vehicle? ARGH! Yeah, I know there may be just a tad enough room if you hold your door, trying to prevent it from springing open onto the awaiting 30K SUV next to you, but does Joe-I-Don't-Give-A-Damn hold his door? I don't know who is worse, the parking lot stripe painter or Joe.
- It wasn't too long over a year ago that I said I wouldn't drive a car if gas was over $2 a gallon. Sheesh. My question is this; Where did all the fuckin gas go? I thought the whole purpose of Bush bombing Iraq was so that we could have gas! Way to go GW!! Damn, I'm a southener, Carted gets ripped for giving away the Panama Canal, but shit, he didn't give away all the friggin gas!
- Take the computers away from stupid bastards!
- Cost of living. Um, did I miss the memo that explained how the hell were supposed to save money when prices go up and there isn't any raises? Can you imagine having a minimum wage job with kids? And they wonder why poor people spend all there money playing the lottery and buying Jim Beam, if they didn't they would just be giving it to the man.
- Cats. Don't give your kids cats. They multiply faster than rabbits, then want to come in your house and piss on shit. I'm buying a pellet gun!
- Teenagers. Yeah, I know, through history they have been a royal pain in the ass, but is it just me or are they spoiled rotten these days? Damn, are these the people that are going to be wiping my butt when I get to the old-folks home? Maybe I should buy a .45 instead of a pellet gun!
- Hunters = Dumb Fucks ...nuff said
- Charities. Its ironic to me that CEO's, Movie Stars, & any othe rich piece of shit out there tries to dump money in dumb ass charities to save paying income taxes. Um, I have a better idea, don't gouge the working class so you can give $ away to bastards in 3rd world countries. Make a little less, GW can lower your taxes, increase hourly pay rate so I can buy the $5 a gallon gas to go to work and wait on your ass! (OK no more belly aching about money or gas, but like I said, it was a rant...My perogative!)
- Phone Tech Support. OK, were paying foreign bastards to read us shit out of books over the phone. You gotta wait on hold for over an hour to talk to these idiots. Just send me a copy of whatever it is they are reading, I'll figure it out myself Rahual!
- Waffle cones. Who decided it was a good idea to put ice cream in a cone with a little hole in the bottom of it? Ok, somebody invent a waffle cone condom already!
- XXX, yeah in hard times I may watch a few minutes of a movie. BUT - I don't wanna see some guy with a prick the size of a midgets arm shoving it up a 90lb girls ass! I wont even get into how that's even possible, but I think that's why women are all concerned about "how big" you are. Get over the breast implants and penis size babe, I promise it'll be OK! My god, when I was a teenager using a finger on girls would hurt them, now they need jack hammers to get off.
- So I go out and buy a $7000.00 high definition 65" TV. Looks great, plays movies wonderfully, but where the hell are the HD TV channels? You know what I bet is going to happen? They are going to be available 5 years from now in a different format that my TV now is able to decode, so I will have to buy a different type of HD TV. SHIT
- LOST, last 2 weeks repeats, WTF?
- Professional sports is now bullshit. Over priced athletes that only want to pad their own stats to get bigger salaries and don't give a shit if they win or not. Quit dancing in the endzone or slam dunking the ball if your 40 points behind! Dumbasses.
- Sams Club. All the food in there is $10. Don't go in there thinking your going to buy groceries and get out for under $200 bucks. I got a box of cereal in there tonight that was $8, are you kidding me? Talk shit about GrapeNuts, but they don't cost 8 fuckin dollars!
OK, enough Bitchin' for tonight. I have lotsa more, but I will save them up for ya, lol. Don't forget to clip and save the attached coupon...
No Book Fee Here...
"...I ain't as good as I once was
Thats just the cold hard truth
I still throw a few back, talk a little smack
When I'm feelin bullet proof
So don't double dog dare me now
'Cause I'd have to call your bluff
I ain't as good as I once was
But I'm as good once as I ever was
Maybe not be good as I once was
But I'm as good once as I ever was..."

Thursday, November 3
I'm Baaaaaaack....!
Yup, like a bad penny. I couldn't stay away. Lots have changed, lots have stayed the same. I haven't gotten my tat or Harley (damnit), but I haven't gotten ink poisoning or a brain fracture either, so all-in-all things are OK. I will start posting again, I miss you and all the good times we had, and even the bad times too. Its fun to look back and see why, where and how. Its good to know where we come from, so we can focus on where we want to go. Cheers...
What Im Listening To Now: Josh Kelly - Almost Honest
What Im Listening To Now: Josh Kelly - Almost Honest

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