Hey all you music industry bastards! I've downloaded one of your CDs off the internet and guess what? I like it, so I'm gonna go shell out $15 bucks for it. Unlike the $ I will be paying to see or hear any of those bellyaching starving artist like Metalica (even though Lars' bathroom probably costs more than my friggin house!). Ooops, I started to slide there didn't I, hang on let me count to 10, 9, 8, 7... Anyway, I like Alter Bridge, you know they are the group composed of all the X-Creed members *Minus* Scott "getting-sued-by-fans-cuz-of-shitty-performances" Sapp or Strap or whatever the hell his name is. *PLUS* lead singer Myles Kennedy formerly of the Mayfield Four. Now, my position on this whole internet stealing music fiasco has always been; put more than one good song on a damn CD! I mean, why do you think everyone is buying those "Now This Is What I Call Music 16!" CD's. Ohhh don't even get me started. Put out a good CD, for under $50 and people will buy it, bastards! Whew, I kindve had veins showing there for a sec. Oh yeah, the song I like best on the CD is "One Day Remains" mostly because of the guitar licks, but I just like it. For anyone interested the group does sound like Creed to me, and I didn't really care for it when I first listened to it, maybe because I was wanting Creed, but after 2 or 3 times, I accepted it for what it is, a new group that plays really good. Screw you Metallica.
Ive been Delusional lately! Hmmmm, could be something I ate, or something I wanna eat!
Speaking of delusional, what's the deal with not wearing panties? I have heard tell that its the new rage with girls. So tell me, it doesn't itch down there when u wear jeans and no panties? Just curious. Oh yeah, tattoos above your ass cheeks is sexy, plz keep it up ladies!
Oh yeah - went to an estate sell and bought a Regulator Clock, Cuckoo Clock, Steer Horns (yes another set for my office!), a large gold mirror, one of those heavy ass cast iron irons (iron iron? What the fuck kind've sentence is that?), 4 dining room chairs, I think that's all, all for $40.00. Coolness.
What else? I think I may BLOG more, feeling very talkative for some reason lately. Yeah I know I wont write again for months, well get over it! :0Þ
Mitch says hi...