Saturday, August 16

I love life! I constantly find things to worry about most of the time, but not tonight. Um, and I'm not even drinking anything!

New CEO of the corporation where I work (over 150 plants) has decided that we did so poorly the 1st quarter that it was time to reduce the salary staff by 14% (750 of the 5400 employed). So rumors are that there will be 5 going from our plant (3 layoffs and the 2 job positions that I won but they didn't give me that was frozen), and another 6 effected, such as bumped from a salary job to an hourly position). Nobody thought it would happen fast, but right after the conference call they started escorting the people out of the plant. It was 3 people that probably needed to go, 1 was a pretty good guy, but handled stressful situations poorly. Well, that was yesterday, so I'll probably hear more about it Monday.

My little sister had her baby today at 3:15pm. They induced labor around 8 this morning. Aaron Walker, named after my 2 grandfathers. He weighed in around 7lbs 3ozs, no work on the length yet. Sis is fine but tired. Will keep you updated.

Oh yeah, I got my pyrex bowls in the mail today from eBay, I LOVE them!!! I know, I'm wierd. I also bought a new DVD today, Cradle to Grave with Jet Li and DMX.

What I'm Listening To Right Now: Big Boy - Die Happy - The Weight Of The Circumstance (03:18)]

Friday, August 15

Have U perv's missed my Blog about CARNEY CARNIE WILSON - BUFF in the NUDE, NEKKID, with a big DILDO, STRAPPED to her CROTCH and HUMPING a BLOWUP DOLL!

Ha, what hits I shall get with that!

So I'm over at the townhouse finishing up the closets and I run across what was left of my album collection. I left it in my old bed room at my parents house, it was a garage/shop that my Father and I remodeled and it caught a leak and messed up all but these few, maybe 20 or 30. They were molded on like a forth of each album, so I made the executive decision to throw them away. SHIT! It was like amputating my arm! How can I throw away a japanese Foreigner 4 import? Or Night Ranger's greatest hits??? ARG! So, that kindv'e depressed me somewhat.

A lot more has been going on, I will try and get back to talk about it. Hope I can remember it all...

ciao for now~~

What I'm Listening To Right Now: Fall In Love - Nick Lachey - SoulO (04:04)]