Thursday, July 31

I just bought a new phone with txt messaging. CLICK HERE TO SEND ME A MESSAGE

Here is the phone I got.

LG 4400

There is a lot you can do with it, I guess i'm gonna hafta figure it all out when I get a chance.

Went to the new house this afternoon. The carpet is fried, so all that's gonna hafta come up. I'm going to paint my office tomorrow morning. i'm thinking a beige/rust color, something that will match red (Coke) colors.

Hmm, not much else to talk about.

What I'm Listening To Right Now: The Only Way (Is The Wrong Way) - Filter - Tomb Raider II (The Cradle Of (05:15)

Tuesday, July 29

Oh good grief, I have a bunch of pervs comming to my site, lol. Check this out. Here are the searchs that lead people to my site....

With which key words
1. wilson 67
2. playboy 45
3. carnie 35
4. carney 33
5. nude 30
6. pictures 15
7. Wilson 11
8. in 8
9. Carnie 6
10. Playboy 6
11. Carney 6
12. pics 6
13. phillips 3
14. photos 2
16. + 2
17. Nude 2
18. play 2
19. WILSON 2
20. Evanescence 1
21. girls 1
22. CARNEY 1
23. young 1
24. CARnie 1
25. /Carney 1
The rest 11
Total 300

Y'all wanna see Carnie in the buff? Stick around, maybe I'll show ya! lol.....
Yeah of course i'm lazy. And I damn sure don't like to cook. And I guess you could say I don't get cooked for that often. However, we haven't been eating out much the past few weeks. The last thing I remember is maybe Capt.D's a couple of weeks ago. I can't really remember. But anyway, I've been seeing this commercial on TV about getting a DVD from Pizza Hut with a large pizza. Normally I wouldn't really care, but I actually want 3 of the DVD's that they are offering. Going to get "Honeymoon In Vegas" tonight. What the hell, may be having pizza all week!

So, I bought Mr.Wendall a new water bowl, I thought it would work out pretty good because she drinks so damn much. This looks exactly like the one I bought:
4 Mr.Wendall
The only problem is, she started drinking out of it and it happened to gurgle up some air bubbles, and it made that funny little noise that it makes, and it freaked her out, now she refuses to go near it. I got on my hands and knees acting like I was drinking out of it and she will now drink it if I have my hand in it. Hmmm, so I wondered if I covered it up, so she couldn't see the bubbles, and that worked until she heard the noise behind the cardboard I put up. Sooooo, If anyone has any ideas, please let me know.

I'm off Friday & Monday, going to try and move, yippee!

Not much else going on, cept its HOT as hell...

What I'm Listening To Right Now: Secret Garden - Bruce Springsteen - Jerry Maguire Soundtrack (04:29)]

Sunday, July 27

I bought the movie "Last Of The Mohicans" from Wal-Mart today and watched it. Man that movie really pumps you up and gets your heart to racing, especially towards the end where they are trying to save the younger sister of Madiline Stowe. Id like to find a good wallpaper of it, if you know where I might be able to find one, let me know.

Kickass Movie

Im still packing stuff. We have boxes everywhere. I HATE moving, but will be glad to have an office finally. I know its going to be filled to the brim with stuff, but i'm a pack rat I hate throwing things away. Plus, I collect too much, but the thought of getting rid of anything troubles me. Oh well, hope I find a happy go between.

Hey, check out these cool .gifs I found of Shania

Well, as you can see, I've actually played with pictures more than i've blogged, but I think they all are pretty good. I wanted to put my wallpaper up, but the host i've found for my pictures only allows 150kb or less, so I'll have to shrink it.

And don't forget to check out the picture of Brad below, I finally got that fixed.

Will talk to you later. And whats up with the Butthead remark Trink, enquiring minds want to know!

What I'm Listening To Right Now: I Drove All Night - Cyndi Lauper - Essential Cyndi Lauper (04:13)]

Friday, July 18

Yes I'm still alive. i've been off this week & have been trying to pack a little bit to get ready for the move. haven't really been doing much, but I was excited to get my Palm in the mail earlier this week. i'm a little concerned that the display is kindve low, i'm gonna check with a few friends at work to see if theirs is the same, if not you can buy new displays pretty cheap. Also got my 545 jeans in that I got on eBay, I bought a pair of jeans the other day that was supposed to replace the 545's and they suck. Well, I guess when I cant find anymore on eBay I'll hafta go to the new kind. Bastards.

Oh, check this picture out and tell me it doesn't look like me! HA! for all y'all Brad pit loving chicks, here I am, come get you sum!

Yeah, I'm playing with pictures and links and stuff. I admit it, i'm lazy when it comes to HTML, maybe that's cause I type with my booger fingers. Anyway, I remember at one point I had this idea of posting my desktop pictures on here. One of my favorite things to do when I get online is find good wallpapers, a favorite site is THEME XP, but I find pics everywhere...

PS- As I try and view my post tonight its acting funny. Dunno why, but it works fine in my preview screen. I'm thinking that my server is acting up cuz it took me forever to upload the pics, so give it time and check back, hopefully it will be OK soon...

What I'm Lookin At Right Now: FortMyers4Ever
What I'm Listening To Right Now: You Can't Take The Honky Tonk - Brooks and Dunn - Red Dirt Road (03:41)

Friday, July 11

Today was great

Possums, Coke & moonlight...

What I'm Listening To Right Now: Kiss You All Over - Exile - Greatest Hits (03:31)]

Tuesday, July 8

I get a call at 11am this morning from Mom. She tells me that shes fallen outside her house and can't get up. My mother is overweight and in very poor health, shes a very strong woman, and insists to work in her garden when she shouldn't, but what can I do? So I go over and my daughter is standing there with Mom, worried, and Mom is sitting in the middle of an azalea bush in an ant bed and is trying to move. So anyway, I cant just grab her hands and pull her up, because it would yank her arm sockets out, I had to get behind her and pick her up underneath her arms, and she is very heavy. For a bit I was worried I wouldn't be able to get her up. Well, we did manage and I got her inside and she had no ant bites and just a few scratches from the bush. I just don't know if i'm ready to take care of my parents, i've always thought of them taking care of me, its a hard thing to deal with.

So, I went to Mike's shop after work. Remember, I traded the $20 necklace for his $800 one? Well, when I get over there he is laughing at me and says the necklace is turning black! lol. I look at it, and yeah, it looks like its changing colors. He tells me he is gonna give it to his daughter and wants me to keep his cause its longer and he wants a shorter one. But I couldn't keep it, knowing how much it cost, so I gave it back and I took the knock-off back, oh well, it was worth $20 to tell the story to everyone. I would've been really pissed if I would've gave the guy the $75 he originally wanted. Mikes new secretary is a girl that I used to know in High School, I had this weird crush on her. Shes a blonde, kindve short, attractive and build very well. So, shes wanting to learn how to DL MP3s off the internet, wants me to come over one day and show her. Ricky (Mike's brother) wants to pay me to show her, lol. I wish I had a secretary to download my MP3s!

Oh, so anyway, I went back over to Moms to check on her and shes making this huge supper. Butter beans with pork seasoning, sweet corn, rice, fried chicken, cornbread and homemade strawberry ice cream. I always eat too much when she does that, how can you not eat your Mothers home cooked meals? So I tell her, OK Mom, were eating tonight, tomorrow is the end, you need to lose weight, and plus she needs to help me! So, we'll see.

So, I'm off work till the 21st. Ron has called and wants me to come up to Atlanta for a few, I might do that. I need to pack some of my stuff, like my DVDs and books, good grief, I didn't realize I had so many books. Do you like to read? I love reading, anything really. i'm going to go over to Moms and cut down the rest of the azaleas tomorrow, so she wont try again. And other than that, no big plans. Oh, I wanna see that Pirates movie with Johnny Depp & Orlando Bloom, and I think there is another movie comming out I wanna see, but I cant think of the name of it now.

What I'm Listening To Right Now: Are You Happy Now? - Michelle Branch - Hotel Paper (03:50)]

Monday, July 7

I've had a few interesting thoughts lately. I don't know how I started thinking about them actually. Like, what I used to do when I took girls out on dates, back in the "old" days. It was always Red Lobster and a movie. Maybe if it was with a "loose" girl we would go parking or to a night club, but I never took anyone there that I was really trying to impress. Probably a mistake on my part. I look back now and wonder what would've happened "if". God, i'll never forget taking Teresa out and being so stupid when I took her home. I was actually 3 or 4 years older than her, and had no clue. Then there was Tammy, I screwed that up as well. And the girls that I was taking out, oh man, what was I thinking? I know! lol. Anyway, its fun sometimes to reminisce about things like that.

Went to see fireworks at the local airport, was cool because probably 15 or 20 thousand people came and I knew a shortcut and beat everyone in and out, plus we were closer than anyone else. They were pretty good actually.

Man, have you ever eaten a frozen burrito? They look totally nasty, but taste real good. Wonder how they figured out a way to do that? Reminds me of the old Cheech & Chong bit "Taste It".

Recent eBay purchases: Palm Pilot, Tomb Raider DVD, Levi 545 jeans (they've been discontinued! Bastards!)

What I'm Listening To Right Now: Wouldn't It Be Good - Nik Kershaw - 80s Grand Stars (04:33)]

Wednesday, July 2

Have had 2 visitors here from Brazil, cool huh? I'd love to met people from different places like that. Travel has always intrigued me, I just haven't ever really got out of the states much. The house is a go, Paid the $ down today, possibility that we will begin moving in August. I meant to take pictures, but i'm sure you'll see it soon enough.

Had Beckie's going away party today at work, I think she likes to embarrass me in front of a lot of my "guy" friends at work by calling me "lovesponge". Of course I don't mind her doing it and having them look at me like 'what do I know that I don't?'. I think shes a sweet girl and I hope things work out for her wherever she goes. BTW, I don't know nuttin!

OK, not much else. Will talk later...

What I'm Listening To Right Now: Sure Know Something - Kiss - Dynasty (04:01)]

Tuesday, July 1

Oh, I will write about my Wal-Mart experience, since nothing else of interest has been happening. I go to Wal-Mart to buy a few things Saturday and this guy walks up to me as I was getting in my truck and wants to sell me a necklace. I normally blow those people off, but it was a Figaro and i've really been wanting a nice one to match my bracelet. So I ask him how much he wanted for it and he tells me it was $575.00 but needs money to go back to Florida, so will take $100.00 for it. I had that on me, but no way I was going to spend it on a necklace, even if it would've been a good deal. So he says he will let me have it for $75, nope. OK, how about $50? No I don't have that much. Well, how much do you have, he asks me. Um, $25. Hell no. Well, OK, here! So he shows me the receipt he had, and said he put it on a Visa. Sure. So i'm happy, it has "Italy 12K" on it by the clasp, but I have no idea that it is real. So, I have a buddy that works for the sheriffs department & I'm telling him the story and he wants to see the necklace and he decides he likes my necklace better than the one he has. He has a really big Figaro and Its the kind I really wanted. Well, he likes the one I have because its a little smaller and he wants to put a cross on it. So he wants to trade, says he paid close to $600.00 for his. OK, I'll trade, lol. So things went my way in this deal i'm thinking. If there is anything I dislike about the necklace I traded for, it is a tad bit longer that I prefer, I would like for it to show right above where I button my shirt.

What else, lets see. Oh, I know. Since my Carnie Wilson Nude test my site has gotten a lot of traffic, lol. Well, I was searching for it myself, I think shes hot. It actually gives people that want to lose weight incentive, and at least a little comfort in knowing if they bust their ass and lose it, they too can look OK thinner. I always thought she was a cute girl, I didn't really like her hairdo. And didn't she have a mole? Moley Moley Moley! She has some type of corset or something or other across her stomach in all the pictures, and her breasts look a little odd, but nothing un-natural, hell nobody is perfect. I'll put it this way, if I had her body, I would show it off too, but then that's my opinion. I wonder how much plastic surgery shes had. If your interested in seeing the pics email me.

The new Michelle Branch CD is pretty good. Whats the name of that other girl that sings and looks a lot like her? I forget.

Oh, I saw a story on CNN today about downloading MP3s off of P2P sites. They are wanting to start bringing charges against people that are downloading MP3s from them. So, I'm at work talking to a few guys about it & there is this vender there saying, well it is against the law. Oh, he almost got me started! There are a lot of arguments pro and con I guess. I don't think the answer is .99 a song. I would be willing to pay maybe $100 a year or something like that. What I try and tell people is, I buy what I like. If I download a CD that is good, I buy it, if it sucks I'll delete it, eventually, maybe. Well, we'll see what happens, should be interesting.

What I'm Listening To Right Now: Are You Happy Now? - Michelle Branch - Hotel Paper (03:50)]