Hmm, long time since my last BLOG, sorry. Guess I have a lot to talk about so I will begin, here goes...
1st of all blogspot is sucking ass lately! Everytime you try to go into a BLOG hosted by them it times out, or takes forever loading. Because of that I decided to start searching for somewhere else to host my BLOG. Then I thought, hey I'm with Bellsouth, shouldn't I have free space with my account with them? Well it took me about 2 hours to contact them, find it, and then find out its a total pain in the ass to use it. Long story. I go to and they don't support my version of Frontpage. Screw it to hell I say. I will continue to look, but its been so long since i've done this webpage crap i've forgotten more than I probably learned.
OK, this morning I slept in a bit because I took a couple of vacation days, I get up and just didn't feel too hot. I sit at the computer a bit to play a little Diablo2 (Starting a new necromancer dude, which is pretty cool), and then watch a little TV. I have this pain flaring up in the lower portion of my back, kindve like the pain you have after you pass out drunk and wake up having to pee really bad. But going to the bathroom didn't help it at all. Sitting there, worried that it may be another kidney stone, and praying it isn't - because that hurt like a bastard. I go take a long hot shower, that's what I always do whenever i'm sick, whether its a flu or a hangover, well that didn't work either. I lay down upstairs and try to watch a DVD up there and I couldn't get comfortable and it wasn't working, just getting worse. So, i'm thinking I should go ahead and go to the Dr.s office to get some drugs before they close for the weekend, and just my luck they closed at noon, screwed. I called Cathy and asked her to take me to the emergency room, because now I'm really hurting and I need drugs fast. I sit down and put on my socks and shoes and when I stand up I notice there isn't any more pain. Now i'm feeling like a jerk, what could it have been? Maybe a pulled muscle that worked itself out, or maybe even gas, what a stud I am huh???
Went to the Cracker Barrel to eat dinner, had fried shimp, I felt 10lbs being added to my big butt as I ate. Now even splurge meals are making me feel bad, I guess that's a good thing. After eating went to Circuit City, I love looking around in there. They have thousands of different DVDs and no "Alien", whats up with that? Am I wrong but isn't that one of the best scifi movies ever made? Oh well, I guess I'll have to get it on eBay. After Circuit City we go to the 9:40pm movie to see "Matrix - Reloaded". It is rated "R" so Kay has to go to another movie, and that is just the beginning of our problems for the night. Kalynn, she is almost 13 and is totally afraid to do anything by herself, I blame myself & Cathy for that. When I was her age I was begging to go to the movie by myself. She knew what the situation was going to be when we left the house to go, we were going to leave her with Mom & Dad but she begged to come, saying she would watch another movie. When we got there, she said there was too many teenagers there and was afraid. Cathy finally got her to realize she is being silly and it will be OK to go to see her movie while we go to the Matrix. As we finally get in, our theater is filling up fast, and Cathy is bringing Kay in to where we are going to sit, i'm like, why is she coming in here? And Cathy is freaking out, telling me she just wants her to see where we are sitting, I can't believe it. So she leaves with her and comes back, I felt that it was kindve silly doing all of that, just point her in the direction of her movie and tell her when its over to wait on us in the lobby, but noooooo. So right at the end of our movie, here she comes walking in, and proceeds to stand in the isle right next to where we are sitting, I ask her what she needs and She tells me that her movie is over, so I said, go out and wait in the lobby or hall. Good grief. So about 10 minutes later, after missing about 5 minutes of the ending, we go out and shes not in the hall, and the lobby is roped off, Cathy is freaking and i'm just totally frustrated. I didn't make a big deal out of it, but I just don't think that situation was handled correctly. I mean, if we expect for her to be able to do anything by herself, we have to trust her to do things without 100% parental guidance. So I have a major headache, and nobody is talking to me, but for the record, I didn't say anything rude or ugly to either of them.
When we were leaving Circuit City I see this girl running up to me with a big smile, and I realize who it is. Pam Hendley. Wow, I had just been talking about her, what are the chances of seeing her. So She runs up and jumps up on me, and gives me this huge hug. The cool thing about the hug is, as were hugging, she squeezes right in the middle of the hug, like its just between us, and nobody else will know about it. Wow. So we back apart and there is this awkward silence as her husband is standing there looking at me, and Cathy and Kalynn is standing there wondering whats going to happen next. I'm sure Kalynn had no clue who it was, but Cathy knew her, just had forgotten her name, although Cathy never knew her when we ran together. Pam says, "Hi!" looking at Kalynn, and says "Your name is Katie (or something funny like that) isn't it?" lol, well, I thought it was a pretty good guess since she probably has only seen her once or twice when she was a little baby. She says they had been at Logans eating and had just finished, i'm wondering now if I even said anything, lol, I was just in shock. I was 22 and had a freshman crush on her. It is a long story but I still get tongue tied whenever I see her. She is looking older now, but still very pretty, I guess that's what 20 years does to you, I wonder what she thinks about me, I used to wear my hair very short and spiked and was thin the last time she saw me. When we worked at Piggly Wiggly together she was a little overweight, but carried it very well, and had one of those headfulls of hair, you know, 80's style. What I remember most about her? She was with me when I reached my goal and never let me think I couldn't make it. She was always my friend and always was on my side. She was there for me when Tammy broke my heart. She had the bluest eyes I had ever seen, and untill maybe a couple of years ago, maybe the prettiest eyes I thought I would ever see. We drank hunch-punch and smoked pot together. She would always say, Bubba don't listen to that, it always gets you too mellow. Yeah, I was Bubba back then, and she was the girl in my life for a couple of years. Not the kind that you marry or settle down with, but the kind you always remember and wonder if... What if...
-I can't think of anything but you at the weirdest times, like picking apples at the store, or listening to music when I ride.